Fix your alligatored paving today

The Professional Solution for Severely Deteriorated Pavement

Made from
Recycled Materials

As Easy as 1-2-3

  • 1
    Clean out debris
  • 2

    Stir Gator-Aid®

  • 3
    Pour and spread with flat-blade neoprene squeegee

How much Will 5 Gallons of Gator-Aid® Cover?

  • Up to 20 sq. ft. for patching alligatoring areas and bird baths in ¼” depth.
  • Up to 80 linear feet of ½” X ½” depth cracks.

Specially Formulated to Repair:

Request a Sample

Flexible Application Conditions
Apply on any day above 40°F, even after rain. Our product adheres without the need for tight temperature controls, ensuring quality sealing anytime.
Zero Waste, Zero Worries
Easy Pour Technology: Simply open, pour, and spread.
Fills Cracks
Seals Overtop
Rejuvenate your asphalt's appearance while preventing moisture from seeping below the surface
Water Cleanup
Clean your tools and equipment without solvents
Fast Setting
Foot Traffic Ready in 1 hour & Vehicle Traffic Ready in 2 hours.
Ready to Use
No additives required. Just stir and pour.
Durable and Long-Lasting
Extend the operational life of your asphalt. Black Fill not only fills and seals cracks but significantly delays the aging process, reducing the frequency and costs of future repairs.