M: Hey guys, Marvin here at World of Asphalt. I’m in the Perma-Patch booth and here with my main man we’re going to be talking about ColdFuze and also Perma-Patch has changed a little bit over the last year. They got some new product offerings and we’re going to go over those with Jon today. Hey guys, how you doing?
JB: I’m Jon Bigden from Perma-Patch based out of Baltimore, Maryland.
M: All right, so I was just talking with you last year at Con Expo we go back and thanks to AM for having World of Aspahlt. It’s been a great showing so far. But last year at Con Expo I stopped by the booth and they’re like “We got Perma-Patch” I’m like “All right” and “We got Perma-Patch”. That’s not out the case anymore. There’s crack filler here inside of your booth, dust control, right? So, tell us a little bit about the expanded offering lines and what you guys got going on.
JB: So, Marvin we’ve been on a tear over the last 18 months and it actually had started before Con Expo last year but you just couldn’t see it at the show yet. Yep so we’ve been working on crack sealers, Innovative Gator patching products, dust control which you can see over here and we’re working on some new formulations of patch products. So, Perma-Patch originally started in 1929 as a Paving Company. In the 80s to ’90s invented the best patch material we believe in the world. Which is used by DOTs and municipalities across the country and actually internationally. But we really realized that hey if we’re going to continue to grow we’ve got a great brand we’ve got customers who love our product we have the opportunity to bring them that same kind of quality into other categories.
M: So, let’s start on the cracking side. So what are the offerings there that you guys have in place now?
jB: So, we’re going into both hot pour and cold pour crack sealing at the same time. Our hot pour crack sealers are all in this meltable box so this eliminates the need to open up lots of cardboard boxes and then get rid of them at the end of the day. So, you’re eliminating waste, you’re eliminating labor.
M: And this is different, right Jon? It is like we’ve seen meltable packaging, but not necessarily in a sturdy box form like you guys got.
JB: This is a rigid box. It’s going to stay tight on a pallet. It’s not going oblong, and melt, and slide across the floor. yep and it’s all tight. It’s not a thick box around it, so you can put a lot of product on one pallet and have that ready to go in the truck as opposed to a lot more volume.
M: Very cool.
JB: And that comes in six different grades so kind of a short set of products we’re going to help our customers understand, make sure they get exact the right thing.
M: Perfect, climate makes a difference, right?
JB: Climate, the right application, direct fire and jacketed kettles.
M: And how about the cold pour a little bit?
JB: All right so this right here is the world’s first cold pour crack sealant that meets the 6690 specs. So, what we can do with this is we can give the end user the ability to go and do pro level crack sealing on a rainy day. They don’t have to wait 3 days for the cracks to dry. We had a guy come through earlier he said he does a lot of car dealerships. He said they pull all the cars out of the car dealership and then they don’t have enough time for all the cracks to dry which is what you need for traditional hot pour crack sealing. So with our ColdFuze product you’ll be able to come in and go straight away. Bang that out. It’s a very simple pump, it’s no hot asphalt kettle. It’s water clean up. It’s environmentally safe and again it is going to seal as well as the 6690 hot seal.
M: I got extras, what’s the cure time?
JB: You’re going to be tack free in about 30 to 45 minutes depending on wind and sun and temperature. Then you can drive straight over.
M: Wow, very cool. Now on this side we start to see some dust control products. Let us know a little bit about what you guys have?
JB: We’re working into the dust control category and the first product there is something called Dust Screen. That is a very safe chemical that is designed for water trucks. So a quarry say who’s doing water trucks every day or some
construction applications where you got to run a water truck. What will happen with a water truck is on a hot sunny day you’ll go put the water down and then 15-20-30 minutes later the dust is coming back up again. Our Dust Screen product will change that time from that 15 to 30 minutes until 2 to 3 hours. That means is if I’m running say 24 truck routes a day I can cut that down to 8. Or in the case we’re working with a particular quarry that just simply didn’t have enough water so they had a safety problem in the middle of the summer because they did not have enough water to keep the dust down. So we give them the ability to have that water just go much further than it never did before.
M: Very cool, Jon. Where can people find out more about Perma-Patch?

JB: You can go to www.permapatch.com. We also have a YouTube channel, all of our products are online. Some of the products are still launching at the moment, so keep coming back and check for more information. And you can also email us anytime at [email protected].

M: Jon, I appreciate you showing us the product line. Congratulations on a good showing.
JB: Thank you, take care.
Talking abount 6690 ColdFuze, Hot Pour Crack Sealant, DustScreen at World of Asphalt
About the author
Jessie Cali
Jessie Cali is a Marketing Consultant with 10+ years professional experience within the construction and infrastructure industries. She is our brand expert and designer at Perma-Patch. Jessie has also written many blogs on our Perma-Patch product lines.

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