North Carolina Department of Transportation Repairs Shallow ¼” Depression With Perma-Patch

When we say permanent, we mean PERMANENT

In July 2010, a pothole developed in a travel lane of a busy rural road. Due to the pothole, water penetrated the road’s surface and created a ¼” depression, increasing the danger for drivers on the road.

Since the North Carolina Department of Transportation D5 Streets Maintenance team previously used Perma-Patch on other pavement repairs, they quickly entrusted Perma-Patch to repair this depression as well.

After two years, the repair was reported to still be effective

Perma-Patch Regular Mix was used to repair the shallow ¼” depression by using a thin coat application. A vibratory compactor plate was then used on the thin coat application to create a watertight bond.

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About the author
Jessie Cali
Jessie Cali is a Marketing Consultant with 10+ years professional experience within the construction and infrastructure industries. She is our brand expert and designer at Perma-Patch. Jessie has also written many blogs on our Perma-Patch product lines.

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