Are you tired of fixing the same potholes twice? Three times? Sometimes it seems endless and we can’t afford to fix the same pothole over and over.
Municipal budgets are getting stretched thin and repeat repairs aren’t helping. That’s why we developed Perma-Patch. Perma-Patch is a permanent patch material built to repair potholes the FIRST time.
Did you know that 90% of the cost to repair a pothole is crew labor and equipment cost? It’s true! The more you visit the pothole, the more money you pay. Plus, it continues to put your crews on the same busy corners each week.
So, how does Perma-Patch fix this problem?
Perma-Patch is the proven most durable patching material on the market and has been for 30+ years.*
For over 90 years, Perma-Patch has been used by contractors and maintenance personnel to make high quality, permanent repairs while minimizing traffic interruptions. In contrast to ordinary patch materials & hot mix asphalt, Perma-Patch eliminates constant repeat repairs on the same damaged areas.
*See Report SHRP-H-348 and -353 of the National Academy of Sciences “Strategic Highway Research Project”, United States Federal Government Projects H105 and H106.
What Makes Perma-Patch Different?
Perma-Patch maintains slight internal pliability, enabling the patch to withstand changes in temperatures and pressures as surrounding materials expand and contract.
Simply put, the top surface becomes as hard as the surrounding pavement, however internally Perma-Patch maintains just enough flexibility to stick like gum into the road surface.
Perma-Patch’s unique self healing properties ensure that Perma-Patch WILL NOT cause failures in the surrounding road surface.