Pothole repair with Jennifer Cline
Watch the video below to learn how to repair a pothole with Perma-Patch. This video features Jennifer Cline, also known as Miss DEWALT on Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn. You can watch as she tries out Perma-Patch for the first time. At Perma-Patch, we strive to make fixing potholes accessible, painless, and permanent. That is why Perma-Patch is not only trusted by DOT and utility professionals, but also by the general public.
That being said, we were very excited to see Jennifer easily be able to use and test the product without any prior knowledge of Perma-Patch to repair a pothole permanently in her town. Our tips we gave her: Simply open the bag, pour the product, and drive over the patch. It really is that effortless to use Perma-Patch to fix potholes permanently.
Pothole repair that’s really simple to use
What is Perma-Patch?
weather conditions and all seasons even in the rain. It has a two year shelf life. Perma-Patch comes in bags and pails. Both are resealable. The bags can be rolled up or the pails can be closed which creates a seal that will last a few more months. Every bag is labeled with the best used by date. Partially used bags won’t set up and become unusable.
How to repair a pothole
A couple of things to note first. Potholes that are about 3 inches deep fill completely leaving about 3/4 inch extra above and around the pothole to allow for compaction. Now the potholes I’ll be demonstrating on fit into that category. Holes deeper than that you’re gonna need to fill in increments. Meaning fill about 3 inches, tamp it down, fill another 3 inches, tamp it down, etc. And then you’re going to want to leave about an inch above and around to allow for settling.
I know a lot of people are going to ask how long does this last. And the answer is: it will hold up for decades as long as the areas of the road surrounding it stay intact. Okay, so let’s get to it. I’m actually really excited to give this a try. Okay, first I’m going to be demonstrating on this pothole. I’m going to get all of the loose aggregates out of it first.
So, after I cut that open I realized there’s a pull tab. All right, so inside here’s what the product looks like. I think I need a little more. So it looks like for a pothole the size of this one that a 30 pound now. My bag was a trial bag, it isn’t something you can buy in that size. But you can buy the pail in 30 pounds which is what I have. And it looks like one 30 pound bag was about good for that pothole.
So I’m just going to push this so that it is a little bit over the surrounding area and then I’m gonna elicit some help. Will you do me a favor and drive over this? You earn a gold star for the day for helping out a stranger. Perfect, thank you! All right, so there’s one pass.

if you’re interested in purchasing this product you can visit permapatch.com where to buy or call 800-847-5744 for pricing and shipping details. So I hope this video was helpful. Please leave any comments you have for me or questions below in the comments. I hope you’ll follow me here and on Instagram and TikTok. As always I thank you so much for watching and until next time. Take care.
We love seeing customers try out our products for the first time and we encourage you to give Perma-Patch a try as well.